Henry Rules OK
I created this Spectrum-style isometric adventure in Unity for a friend's 40th birthday - it's the long awaited third part of the 'Henry' trilogy I began for him back when we were 14. The learning curve is ridiculously high, it is a million miles away from being optimised, and the graphics are intentionally scrappy hand scrawls: but I had a whole bowl of fun making it so I'd love other people to enjoy playing it. For those interested, it took about three weeks to make.

I take no responsibility for you or your computer! If you choose to download, you do so at your own risk.

Mac OSX (tested on OSX 10.6.8)
Windows (untested)

Version 1.03 - 9 Aug 2014 - made WIMP cheat code go further to make life easier

There are 25 cheat codes to help you. It is crazy hard, but it IS completable even without them.
One to get you started: type WIMP to make life easier in most rooms.
And another one because the first room is a challenge: LOBBY teleports you to the second room.

Please do let me know what you think of the game! Visit the mistertricks Facebook Page

Robin King - I'm a filmmaker, animator, editor, sometimes actor. If you're interested to see my work, visit my website.

@ mistertricks 2018